Van Hennaertweg 10
2952 CA Alblasserdam
+31 (0)78 699 21 00 -
Cutting - Cutting


Stokvis Tapes is able to slit tapes in the width you need within a couple of days. This way your tape is easier to use with less waste. Using tape in the exact size you need will enable you to save time and money.

Among others we cut the following products:

  • Tissue tapes
  • Polyester tapes
  • Film tapes
  • Metal tapes
  • Foam tapes
  • Acrylic foam tapes
  • Butyl tapes
  • Non self-wound tapes

and many more.

Cutting - Cutting

Your advantage

  • Fast delivery
  • Different sizes possible
  • Less waste
  • Faster processing
  • Cost saving

Contact Us

Phone: +31 (0)78 699 21 00
